Pollinators - Little Heroes of Nature

Exhibition Design


We are commissioned with the artistic direction of the pop-up exhibition "Pollinators - Little Heroes of Nature", which is part of the city-wide "Flower Power Festival Munich 2023" and takes place for one year in the BIOTOPIA Lab exhibition space.

The task is to design a family-friendly pop-up exhibition that explains the fascinating symbiosis between plants and pollinators.

Our main challenge: to communicate scientific content while keeping the attention of the youngest visitors.

Concept and exhibition areas

The exhibition is structured by thematic fields. Conceptually we bring rich interactive experiences to each of those areas. Games and quests mix with useful information and fun facts.
With the aim of maintaining a formal coherence between the existing physical exhibits and the graphic elements, we focus on the graphic support of the scientific information, and at the same time on the meticulous development of interactive stations that would make it easier for visitors to absorb the information.

Food and pollination

Everybody loves ice cream! But without pollinators we would have to live without many of its delicious varieties.
With that impactful example supported by a clear and straightforward graphic illustration we explain the strong interdependence between every day food and pollinators.

Illustrations for some of the most popular fruits used to make ice cream.

Illustrations as graphic support for the scientific texts.

Fun facts game

By overlaying patterns in the primary colours, it is possible to hide information that only becomes visible through certain filters.
With this interactive game we stimulate the visitor to discover fun information about pollinators.

Interactive game

Pollinators and flowers have a symbiotic relationship. They communicate with each other in an ingenious way. With an interactive "matching"-game visitors can find out which pollinator is behind a particular flower.

Hiding textures

We develop many different patterns for the purpose of the interactive game and also to create an attractive and harmonious graphic result.

To simulate a flower meadow, we use the vertical surface of a cylindrical element that allows multiple visitors from small to tall to interact simultaneously. The iconic "Meadow-column" becomes one of the central elements of the exhibition.

Some of our projects