Pavia Association of Architects



The Pavia Association of Architects represents more than 800 architects from the greater Pavia area. As part of a redesign, the website is to be overhauled both in terms of design and greatly expanded in terms of functionality by turning it into a tool for members.

Information Architecture

The core task of the architecture of the new website is to logically reorganise the widely ramified and confusing structure. We decided in favour of a strict division into 4 main areas, whose sections are clearly assigned to the most important target groups, as well as a start page that serves as an aggregator of the rapidly changing current news.

Design system

We develop a modern design that presents the content components in a layout grid and gives the Association an independent appearance with its distinctive colour scheme and concise iconography.

Layout and function

The layout and function of the sections are tailored precisely to the respective area of application. For example, the calendar - as the central information instance for members - is a clear and quickly filterable information tool.
The mobile version of the layout has its own design to ensure ease of use.

Member directory with portfolio management

The website offers registered members of the organisation space for professional presentation.
The integrated portfolio function allows each member to publish their own projects, so that the easily searchable index can also be used as a marketplace for architectural services.
We pay particular attention to the implementation of the corresponding editing tools in order to enable intuitive handling for the 800 members.


The entire system can be edited and maintained by the administrators themselves.
Corresponding editing tools are integrated into the layout of the website itself, so that there is largely no need to train the changing teams of administrators.

Some of our projects