L'accademia SMEG

Booking Platform


Our client's training program is to be given an independent visual identity under the title "l'Accademia" and a booking platform to automate participant management.

The platform enables the training team to manage training dates, locations and bookings as well as participant lists.

The assignment includes the development of the visual identity, print material, and the conception, development and technical implementation of the platform.

Booking Website

The website presents the training concept and introduces the program and staff. Central element for all visitors is the booking tool, which guides the visitor through the booking process in simple steps: Selection of training location and date, registration of participants to be registered, booking confirmation.

Back office

The back office provides the training team with a central location for managing training events and training locations.
Customer management is also integrated and enables the participant lists collected via the booking tool to be exported in simple steps.

The Academy's signet emphasises the affiliation to the umbrella brand.

Some of our projects